Peace Terrace Academy


Student Life

Parent Involvement

“For decades, research from around the world has shown that parents’ involvement in and engagement with their child’s education—including through parent-teacher conferences, parent-teacher organizations, school events, and at-home discussions about school—can lead to higher student achievement and better social-emotional outcomes.”

Peace Terrace Village

It takes a village to raise a child” is a proverb that means that an entire community of people must provide for and interact positively with children for those children to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment.

At Peace Terrace every parent is a part of our village and contributes to our community.  Parents are added to various teams when they enter the school and contribute their time and expertise to that team.

  • School Leadership Team
  • Strategic Planning Team
  • Annual Gala Team
  • Tech Team
  • Autumn Festival Team
  • Student Council Team
  • Staff & Faculty Appreciation Team
  • Hot Lunch Team
  • Co-Curricular Activities Team
  • Accreditation Team
  • Athletic Team

Ad Fontes Parent Education Forum

The Intention Behind Ad Fontes:

Ad Fontes or Back to the Fountain is Peace Terrace Academy’s monthly forum for conversations on parenting, education, and the sound upbringing of children in the modern world; our aim being to go to the sources of wisdom and virtue and discover new ways of applying the principles in our modern world.


  • Learning from classical and primary sources of knowledge and information to understand our role as parents better
  • Schole or Restful parenting; building our understanding of the place and value of leisurely learning
  • Response to urgent issues facing us as a community
  • Learning to embody the principles of truth, goodness, and beauty
  • Building strong family and community relationships